e-cloth changed my life
I live in an older home and have a cat. I also love to live outdoors and frequently leave my windows open to enjoy the breeze and amazing temperatures. While this is a fresh and wonderful thing, this always ends up in a dusty house. e-cloth changed that for me.
Working without chemicals helps ensure a safe environment for kids, moms and everyone.
I also cook. I cook a lot. I use fresh ingredients and use my cast iron many times a week. This time the result is always grease and though it gets cleaned up nightly, a certain amount always escapes the daily clean and is only discovered during the “big, deep cleans”.
We have sold the e-cloth cleaning products for years and I loved their dusting rags, window cloths and stainless steel cloths since their introduction. Recently I started using the general-purpose cloth, the kitchen cloths and the all-new Kitchen Dynamo. The difference was amazing.
I used to use chemicals which are not only pricey but can have unknown effects. Chemicals, while they create a sterile environment, can also create a home that is too sterile where children don’t develop a string immune system. Now I use the e-cloth for most jobs from the kitchen to the bathroom and garage. I love the durability as well as the versatility.
e-cloth is specially designed to allow chemical-free cleaning.
Just water and the e-cloth with its tiny dirt grabbing and grime fighting fibers pull up and lock in the grease and yuck of everyday life.
To clean, just toss into the washing machine and go. Each wash seems to make the cloths suppler and more absorbent.
Try the general cleaning cloth with water on your cabinets and watch the dirt wipe away. It is almost fun! I noticed some dirt and dust left over in my car trunk after a washing. I took the general-purpose cleaning cloth, wet it wand easily cleaned up the trunk crevasses. They looked now and clean again.
Get the e-cloth today and get started on a cleaner tomorrow.