In 1986, Department 56 introduced the second in their all porcelain series of village houses and accessories. From the mind of Neiland Lund, the same man who has given us so many great pieces in Dickens' Village, came a uniquely American village series. Taking inspiration and paying homage to America's colonial states and the quaint life of a village that at one time was around every corner.

At the end of 2020, New England Village by Department 56 will take its rightful place in the annals of Department 56 collector history. Along with such amazing works like Season's Bay and Little Town of Bethlehem, New England Village will always be remembered for its detailed sculpting and its honest depiction of early American life. We will miss the incredible artistry of this village forever.  The good news is that for the time being, New England Village pieces are available both at our Christmas & Company store in Old Sacramento and at our online store at Selection is extremely LIMITED and is already selling out. Don't delay! Visit our stores in Old Sacramento or online right now to ensure you get your chosen pieces and maybe an special, extra piece for posterity.
