About Graham Skinner
Graham Skinner,
owner & designer
I am 16 years old and the youngest of 3 sons.
When I was in 7th grade my mom wouldn't let me take Shop Class because she said when she was in school all of the rowdy kids were in that class. I told her it's not that way now and begged her all semester to let me get in Shop. After months of pleading, my mom finally gave in over Christmas break and let me switch classes!
I learned how to use a wood lathe my first semester in Shop Class. I loved making pens so much I told my parents I wanted a lathe. They told me to save my money. I don’t think they believed just how serious I was till I cleaned up and organized my late grandfather’s little shop building in 100 degree weather last summer. I then talked my grandparents into giving my birthday money to me 2 months early, so I would have my very own lathe!
When my parents saw the first pen I brought home, they were shocked and encouraged me to make more, so that I could sell them. So I did, and I am!